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1973 - 2024: DPCTZ Celebrates 51 Years!

Energetic, watchful, determined, alert, fearless, loyal and obedient

Legislative Resources


Much of the impact we as individuals can make on legislation is by getting involved with our local and state level lawmakers.  These are the individuals who have the greatest chance of impacting our lives in terms of dog owning, breeding, training, and relationships with our Veterinarians.  To this end, a graph of the local issues from 2013.  Below are resources to deal with these issues should they arise in our towns, counties and states.

Ongoing Local Issues

local issues

Toolbox. Each of these issues requires different responses.  In an effort to put all the information necessary to respond to proposed legislation in a timely manner, we list the issue, and linked to each issue will be:

  • A Position Statement
  • Templates of letters that may be used to address your legislator.  Some of these issues also have templates to address the media, letters to the editor
  • Brochures and Pamplets that may be printed or shared electronically
  • Supporting Information:  Research, Model Legislation, etc

Much of this information is courtesy of AKC Government Relations

As with all things, there is significant overlap in these issues, so please begin with the issue of most concern and check out the other resources.

Introductions, How To Communicate

  • Sample Letter To Your Veterinarian From NAIA Site.  Download the text of this letter (cut and paste the text into your document) and use it as a framework for writing a personal letter to your own veterinarian.
  • Sample Letter to Your Legislator  This template provides a general guideline for a letter of congratulations/introduction to your representatives following their election. This letter may be altered for state representatives, governors, local officials and other office holders. This letter may be emailed, printed and mailed, or for maximum effect, consider writing it neatly by hand on nice stationery and mailing or hand-delivering it your representative’s office.  If you are writing on behalf of your club, consider including  a page or two that briefly outlines the good things your club does in the community. 
  • How to Effectively Communicate With Your Legislator (flyer)
  • The Elevator Speech Part II, a blog by Susi  Communicating with the Public, One on One:   Of one thing I am certain: We need to stop waiting for someone else to speak up for us. It’s not going to happen, and waiting for deliverance has only set us behind. If each of us connects with one person, persuades just one person of the hypocrisy at the heart of the animal rights movement, our efforts will grow exponentially and we will become a bona fide backlash movement. I believe this”  Hints for our own “elevator speech”.

2014 AKC Legislative Conference Report

TOOLBOX:  From the New AKC Government Relations Pages: 

Here you can access a list of AKC Government Relations resources available to help you be effective advocates for responsible dog ownership and breeding! Be sure to check back often, as we are continuously adding new items.


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